Thursday, April 24, 2008

A Treatment for Obesity?

Did you know that one in every three American adults are obese? According to a new study by scientists in Arizona there may also be a treatment for this rapid epidemic. Scientists are studying further the relationship between weight and gut microbiota. Gut microbiota are the trillions of "friendly" bacteria, in the gastrointestinal tract, that help extract and store calories from what we eat. In many of their studies scientist have found that the bacteria found in the stool of overweight participants are far different from those found in the normal weight participants. The scientists claim that if there is a real connection between weight and gut microbiota a treatment for obesity can be formed by modifying the bacteria. If this is true then the next step for scientists is finding out how to safely modify the bacteria in human clinical trials.


Anonymous said...

Is it bad to have shots every day ? How much do you have to weigh to get Obesity ? What foods do you have to eat to get Obesity ? What is a treatment for Obesity ? How do you get Obesity ? Is Obesity and cancer alike ?

Kierra and Adrion said

Anonymous said...

If you are Kierra and Adrion, obesity means you are fat. To get obese, people don't eat healthy food. I think you can't cure obesity.

Anonymous said...

Obesity is a medical condition that is actually a group of symptoms caused by being severely overweight. It is actually a huge epidemic sweeping the United States. Research and the studies accompanying them should be able to save the lives of these unfortunate people.

buy reeshape online said...

Reeshape 120 MG Capsule is an antiobesity preparations that helps in reducing the weight of obese patients. Take this medicine with each meal containing fat. Proper diet and exercise are necessary to control weight. Multivitamins are recommended while taking this preparation. Take Capsule with the high-fat meal. Do not take this medicine if you skip the meal or if the meal contains no fat. Low-calorie, low-fat diet, and exercise are needed to control weight. Take multivitamins like A, D, E, K at bedtime prevent further complications.